These are some of my favourite people--whether it be friends, family or celebrities.   You can learn a lot about someone by the company they keep so...start learning!

FRIENDS (with web pages):
Puck (check out his COOL homepage--and his other COOL page too!)

Tori Amos (the faerie queen)
Kevyn Aucoin (best makeup artist ever--RIP)
Gillian Anderson (the best actress around)
Drew Barrymore (a true free spirit)
David Bowie (GOD)
Margaret Cho (a wonderful comedienne)--a really cool fansite is HERE
Greg Dulli (Afghan Whigs' lead singer)
Tom Green (you have to love his show!)
Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters/Nirvana member)
Geri Halliwell (I can't resist a girl who wears a Union Jack outfit)
Alyson Hannigan (go Willow!!)
Janet Jackson (she doesn't really sing at her concerts, but what a dancer!)
Kelly Konno (one of Janet Jackson's dancers--amazingly beautiful & talented!)
Johnny Knoxville (star of Jackass, best show on tv!)
Denis Leary (my sarcastic comic hero)
Bruce McCulloch (Kids In The Hall member)
Dennis Miller ("It's not soilent green, cha cha")
Jon Stewart (how I miss his MTV talk show)

Peter Forsberg
Patrick Roy
Larry Walker