*songs written in fuschia played during "Secret Time" or solo (without band)

Swapping Tongues 
North American Club Tour: The Roxy, Atlanta, GA  4/20/98
Bonus: KROQ Breakfast With Tori and Jay Leno
#1: Black Dove~Cruel~Tear in Your Hand~Liquid Diamonds~Precious Things~Jackie's Strength~Northern Lad~Icicle~Here. in My Head~Putting the Damage on~Spark~Iieee
#2: The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~Doughnut Song~Mother~God~Horses~(bonus)~Black Dove~Tori Talks~Spark~She's Your Cocaine~Cornflake Girl~Precious Things~Spark
Detroit, MI   4/29/98 #1: Black Dove~Iieee~Precious Things~Northern Lad~Liquid Diamonds~Tear in Your Hand~Jackie's Strength~Here. in My Head~Cloud on My Tongue
#2: Horses~Spark~Cruel~The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~God~Landslide
Chicago Park West 
Chicago, IL  4/30/98
#1: Black Dove~Iieee~Precious Things~Spark~Cruel~Liquid Diamonds~Tear in Your Hand~Silent All These Years 
#2: Icicle~Putting the Damage on~Horses~Northern Lad~The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~God~Cornflake Girl
Seattle, WA   5/3/98
Moore Theatre
#1: Black Dove~Iieee~Precious Things~Liquid Diamonds~Cornflake Girl~Jackie's Strength~Leather~China
#2: Putting the Damage on~Horses~Cruel~The Waitress~Spark~God~Tear in Your Hand
Pinkpop '98  
Pinkpop Festival, Holland  6/1/98                                   
Bonus: Remixes
Horses~Raspberry Swirl~The Waitress~Cornflake Girl~Interview~Precious Things~Interview~Tear in Your Hand~Interview~ (bonus)~Cruel (Shady Feline Mix)~Raspberry Swirl (Lip Gloss Version)~Ambient Raspberry Swirl (Scarlet Spectrum Feels)~ Beulah Land~Mainline Cherry (Ambient Spark)
Den Haag, Netherlands   6/10/98 #1: Black Dove~Cruel~Crucify~Iieee~Cornflake Girl~Doughnut Song~Liquid Diamonds~China~Upside Down~Jackie's Strength~Precious Things
#2: Spark~The Waitress~Space Dog~Horses~God~Raspberry Swirl
Hamburg, Germany  6/11/98 Black Dove~She's Your Cocaine~Cornflake Girl~Iieee~Honey~Space Dog~Spark~Thank You~Crucify
A Night At the Opera
Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany  6/23/98
#1: Black Dove~Crucify~Iieee~Cornflake Girl~Little Amsterdam~Cruel~Doughnut Song~China~Alamo~Jackie's Strength
#2: Space Dog~Liquid Diamonds~The Waitress~Spark~Raspberry Swirl~Precious Things~She's Your Cocaine
Milwaukee, WI   7/13/98 #1: Precious Things~Iieee~Cornflake Girl~Honey~Crucify~Space Dog~China~Cloud on My Tongue~Jackie's Strength
#2: Cruel~Spark~The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~Raspberry Swirl~Horses
Ames, IA  7/18/98
CY Stephens Auditorium
#1: Black Dove~Cruel~Space Dog~Honey~Cornflake Girl~Iieee~Caught a Light Sneeze~Butterfly~Silent All These Years~ Northern Lad~Precious Things         
#2: Spark~The Waitress~Little Amsterdam~Raspberry Swirl~Sister Janet~Song for Eric
New York City, NY   7/28/98   
Bonus: New York City, NY   5/13/96
#1: Precious Things~Cruel~Cornflake Girl~Spark~Iieee~Sugar~Leather~Landslide~Jackie's Strength~Tear in Your Hand~ Raspberry Swirl~The Waitress
#2: She's Your Cocaine~God~Horses~(bonus)~Professional Widow/ Blood Roses~Little Amsterdam~Doughnut Song~Pretty Good Year~Putting the Damage on~Caught a Lite Sneeze~China~in the Springtime of His Voodoo
Boston, MA   8/1/98 #1: Precious Things~Cruel~Caught a Lite Sneeze~Jackie's Strength~God~Cornflake Girl~Winter~Cooling~Putting the Damage on
#2: Spark~Raspberry Swirl~The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~Iieee~Horses
Wallingford, CT   8/4/98 #1: Precious Things~God~Playboy Mommy~Iieee~Caught a Lite Sneeze~Liquid Diamonds~Mother~Here. in My Head
#2: Doughnut Song~Space Dog~Raspberry Swirl~The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~Little Amsterdam~Happy Phantom~ Pandora's Aquarium
Charlotte, NC  8/12/98
Ovens Auditorium
#1: Precious Things~Spark~God~Liquid Diamonds~Siren~Sugar~Cloud on My Tongue~Hey Jupiter~Jackie's Strength
#2: Caught a Lite Sneeze~Raspberry Swirl~The Waitress~Iieee~She's Your Cocaine~Horses
Knoxville, TN   8/15/98 #1: Precious Things~Crucify~Cruel~Siren~Black Dove~Liquid Diamonds~Me & a Gun~Merman
#2: Sugar~Little Earthquakes~Iieee~The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~Raspberry Swirl~Purple People~Horses
Omaha, NE   8/30/98
Orpheum Theatre
#1: Precious Things~God~Siren~Iieee~Doughnut Song~Liquid Diamonds~Happy Phantom
#2: Twinkle~Purple People~Cruel~Spark~The Waitress~Talula~Raspberry Swirl~Sister Janet~Tear in Your Hand
Portland, OR  9/12/98
Rose Garden Arena/Theatre of the Clouds
#1: Precious Things~God~Black Dove~Space Dog~Crucify~Playboy Mommy~Mary~Cooling             
#2: Jackie's Strength~Little Earthquakes~Tear in Your Hand~The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~Raspberry Swirl~Me & a Gun~Horses
Eugene, OR  9/13/98
Cuthbert Amphitheatre
#1: Precious Things~Oh, Susanna/Little Amsterdam~Iieee~Honey~Cornflake Girl~Liquid Diamonds~Cloud on My Tongue~ Not the Red Baron
#2: Purple People~Spark~Siren~The Waitress~Talula~Raspberry Swirl~Merman~Pandora's Aquarium
Anaheim, CA   9/18/98
Arrowhead Pond
#1: Precious Things~Iieee~God~Spark~Siren~Little Earthquakes~Winter~Merman
#2: Improv/Northern Lad~Space Dog~Raspberry Swirl~The Waitress~(E1) Cruel~Cornflake Girl~(E2) Pandora's Aquarium
Las Vegas, NV   9/24/98
The Joint/Hard Rock Hotel
#1: Precious Things~God~Iieee~Siren~Cornflake Girl~Spark~Icicle~Alamo~Honey
#2: Cruel~Space Dog~The Waitress~Hotel~Raspberry Swirl~London Girls~Pretty Good Year~Song for Eric
Raleigh, NC  10/18/98
Hardee's Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
#1: Precious Things~Cruel~Cornflake Girl~Bells for Her~Father Lucifer~Hotel~Famous Blue Raincoat~Never Seen Blue
#2: Northern Lad~Talula~Spark~The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~Raspberry Swirl~Graveyard/Tear in Your Hand~Song for Eric
Nashville, TN   10/21/98
Vanderbilt Memorial Gym
#1: Precious Things~God~Black Dove~Tori Talk~Muhammed My Friend~Iieee~ Graveyard~Tear In Your Hand~Here. In My Head~Mother~Cooling~Jackie's Strength
#2: Little Earthquakes~Hotel~The Waitress~Crowd~She's Your Cocaine~Raspberry Swirl~Crowd~Cornflake Girl~Northern Lad
VH-1 Storytellers  10/24/98 Father Lucifer~Hey Jupiter~Silent All These Years~Iieee~Precious Things~Raspberry Swirl~Cornflake Girl
Louisville, KY   10/28/98
Louisville Gardens
#1: Precious Things~Iieee~Crucify~Hurt/Caught a Lite Sneeze~Past the Mission~Father Lucifer~Leather~Agent Orange~Hey Jupiter
#2: Bells for Her~Hotel~Spark~The Waitress~Cornflake Girl~Raspberry Swirl~Graveyard~Tear in Your Hand~Pandora's Aquarium
Evanston, IL  (Northwestern)  10/29/98           
Welsh Ryan Arena at McGaw Hall
#1: Precious Things~Graveyard~Past the Mission~Iieee~Father Lucifer~Hotel~Doughnut Song~Merman~Twinkle~Sugar~ Black Dove~Tear in Your Hand~The Waitress
#2: She's Your Cocaine~Raspberry Swirl~Frog on My Toe~Northern Lad
West Lafayette, IN (Purdue)  10/31/98
Elliot Hall Of Music
#1: Precious Things~Muhammed My Friend~Iieee~Band Intro~Father Lucifer~Talula~Hotel~Belulah Land~Ode to the Banana King
#2: Mother~Little Earthquakes~Cruel~Spark~The Waitress~Cornflake Girl~Raspberry Swirl~Pandora's Aquarium
Burlington, VT  11/16/98                                 
Burlington Memorial Auditorium
#1: Precious Things~Little Amsterdam~Hotel~Caught a Lite Sneeze~Past the Mission~Liquid Diamonds~A Case of You~ Never Seen Blue
#2: Little Earthquakes~Cruel~Graveyard/Tear in Your Hand~The Waitress~Talula~Raspberry Swirl~Honey~Amazing Grace~ Jackie's Strength~Smells Like Teen Spirit
Pennsylvania, PA   11/21/98 #1: Precious Things~God~Hotel~Past the Mission~Bells for Her~Caught a Lite Sneeze~Baker Baker~Here. in My Head~ Northern Lad
#2: Iieee~Little Earthquakes~The Waitress~Cornflake Girl~Raspberry Swirl~Tear in Your Hand~Pandora's Aquarium~Song for Eric
Newark, DE  11/24/98                                    
Bob Carpenter Center, University Of Delaware
#1: Precious Things~Girl~Past the Mission~Liquid Diamonds~Father Lucifer~Siren~Mary~China~Cool on Your Island/ Mother
#2: Little Earthquakes~Cruel~Tear in Your Hand~The Waitress~Talula~Raspberry Swirl~Pandora's Aquarium~Winter
Newark, NJ   11/25/98
Prudential Hall-New Jersey Performing Arts Center
#1: Precious Things~Precious Things (Take 2)~God~Girl~Hotel~Past the Mission~Sugar~Yes, Anastasia~Merman~Baker Baker
#2: Little Earthquakes~Crucify~Black Dove~The Waitress~Talula~Raspberry Swirl~Tear in Your Hand~Beauty Queen~ Mary~Silent All These Years
Akron, OH  11/28/98
Rhodes Arena, University Of Akron
#1: Precious Things~Hotel~Thoughts~Past the Mission~Muhammed  My Friend~Girl~Bells for Her~Take to the Sky~ Landslide~Purple People                  
#2: Cruel~Tear in Your Hand~The Waitress~She's Your Cocaine~Raspberry Swirl~Talula~Black Swan~Mary~Pretty Good Year
Columbus, OH  11/29/98
Palace Theatre
#1: Precious Things~Father Lucifer~Liquid Diamonds~Crucify~Past the Mission~Siren~Sister Janet~Winter~Cooling
#2: Putting the Damage on~Iieee~Little Earthquakes~The Waitress~Caught a Lite Sneeze~Raspberry Swirl~Honey~Jackie's Strength
Indianapolis, IN   11/30/98
Murat Center
#1: Precious Things~Tear in Your Hand~Hotel~Past the Mission~Girl~Mary~Marianne~Etienne~Flying Dutchman
#2: Northern Lad~Cruel~Space Dog~Waitress~(E1) Talula~Raspberry Swirl~(E2) When Sonny Gets Blue~Famous Blue
Raincoat~Pandora's Aquarium