This is a page dedicated to a passion of mine-TEA.  On any given day, I've had somewhere between 2-8 cups of tea.  I have so many different kinds right now that I can't fit them all into one kitchen cupboard.  They've overflowed onto the counter by the sink and the big pantry storage closet as well as filling the cupboard.  I prefer black tea, but also love green and oolong teas.  I'm not so fond of herbal blends but I drink them anyway because I caffeine keeps me awake at night if I drink it past 5pm or so. 

I would like to take this oppourtunity to dispel a common myth that I come across very often.  Green tea is NOT the most caffeinated kind of tea.  Black teas have the highest caffeine content, with oolongs next, then green and then herbal teas (which are caffeine free).  For some reason I keep running into people who think that green tea is like the Jolt of the tea world.

I highly recommend this product from Bodum...if you aren't drinking loose tea then you don't know what you're missing!  It's so much better than bagged tea.

Anyway, below are some links to my favourite tea-related companies.  I have yet to order tea online but these are brands I buy in local stores or have had highly recommended to me.  Enjoy!

Personal favourites:
Island Rose Tea
Lipton Tea
Republic of Tea
Stash Tea

Haven't tried yet but look promising & are recommended:
Adagio Teas
Coffee Tea Pots and Cups
Guayaki Yerba Mate
Harney & Sons
Holy Mountain Trading Company
Kalahari Limited
Mighty Leaf Tea
Nativa Yerba Mate
Revolution Tea
Tea Review Archive
Two Hills Tea
Upton Tea