Hi!  If you're here, you are either killing time or you would actually like to find out more about me.  Either way, thanks for stopping by.  I am always looking for pen pals, so let me know if you are interested and I will send you my address (I write real letters through the actual postal service only--I'm not a huge fan of email).  Right now, I write somewhere around 30 people from all over the world and I love making new friends through the mail!

I am a 33-year-old Zen Witch, unmarried and childless.  My three favourite things in all the world are: music, England, and reading.  I have a ridiculous number of hobbies and interests, including handwriting analysis, tarot, making jewelry, rubber stamping, yoga, video games, collecting crap, tea and vegetarian cooking.  I am also a HUGE Colorado Rockies baseball and Colorado Avalanche hockey fan!  Don't even think you can mess with Patrick Roy or Larry Walker!  You can figure out most of my other interests by looking around my web page.  I'm obviously big on making lists!  

I have a number of faults, and I'm not afraid to admit them: I am incredibly impatient, intolerant of stupidity, I have a really cheesy side (I love Geri Halliwell!), I spend too much money on music, I refuse to "act my age"--people who meet me for the first time usually guess I'm about 20, and they always think my younger sister is actually older than me!...I also say whatever's on my mind (thus the list of hates), tend to be confrontational and I get told to "lighten up" a lot.  I take things (like music, work, interests, collecting etc) WAY too seriously.  Then again, I'm an Aries...so I don't know what people expect!

Here are some of the links to my favourite interests not covered on my other pages:

BADTZ-MARU (That angry little penguin guy--part of the Hello Kitty family of weird animals)
EBAY (I can't even look without bidding on 5 things)
ENGLAND (I've wanted to live there since I was 5 and I just can't get enough--I am a huge Anglophile)
LOMOGRAPHIC SOCIETY (they make really funky cameras--I have both of them!)
NPR (The only radio worth listening to!)
PENPALS (I love meeting new people and writing LONG letters)
RUBBERSTAMPS (a long-time hobby that lets me be creative without requiring much talent)
SEGA GENESIS (yes, I still have one--I haven't shifted over to the Play Station frenzy yet)
WINNIE THE POOH (well, Eeyore is the best but I love the whole dysfunctional family of animals)

Unfortunately, there is a long list of things/people I hate--please don't take any of these personally--diversity makes the world go 'round!:

President Bush (both of them--I sure didn't vote for either)
Jim Carrey (just what is the appeal?  He's not even funny!)
Newt Gingritch (he's made enough of an ass of himself, I don't even have to say anything)
John Grisham (just how many books can you write with exactly the same plot?)
Jennifer Love Hewitt (just look at her!)
Alicia Keys (the girl has some talent, but I can't stand her songs or her attitude)
Stephen King (writer of grade-school level drivel)
Avril Lavigne (her music is bad enough, but she her snotty/rude attitude is even worse)
Jay Leno (never was there a less funny "comedian")
THE LORD OF THE RINGS (worst movie ever made, which produced the most obsessive fans ever)
Alanis Morrissette (dog girl)
Ted Nugent (don't leave your animal killing propaganda on my car, thank you very much!)
(the band) Phish (get a freakin' life!)
Robin Quivers (ignorant loud-mouthed loser)
Anne Rice (talentless hack)
Julia Roberts (horseface girl--if she ever proves that she can act, I'll eat a steak)
Barbara Streisand ("People"...'nuff said)
(the band) Sublime (besides their horrible "music", they were/are heroin addicts, and pompous jerks)

advertising (commercials are just evidence of how stupid people with a little power think we are)
bad grammar (did ANYONE pay attention in English class?)
cell phones ("hi, I'm important")
football (um, why is this entertaining?)
human interest stories (how stupid do newscasters think we are?)
meat (sorry, I never liked it)
modern country music (Garth Brooks, Dixie Chicks, Reba McIntyre...on and on)
white people who try to be "down" ("yo, homie, whassup?")


This is my last pen pal ad, placed online on the Long Letter Ladies website:

Alannah Rose Selene
Hello! I am a 33 year old woman looking for new LONG
LETTER pen pals (snail mail only!). I am serious about the
long letter part...I don't expect 15 pages but I do expect more
than 2 or 3 full sized pages. Any age over 21 is welcome, but
please no prisoners or Ghana mail, and I am not looking for

I am a vegetarian (but don't mind if you aren't) and love
animals (but I don't have any pets--I live in a tiny apartment).
I'm concerned about the planet and like to talk about
environmental issues but I'm not preachy or judgemental. I just
try to be a good person and tread gently on the earth. I believe
that everything is interconnected and I don't take anything for
granted! I am a spiritual person but not religious--I consider
myself a "Zen Witch" as I practise a combination of Zen
Buddhism and Wicca. I am interested in healing work, tarot,
candle magick, ritual, teas and herbs, dreams and much more.
I am very open minded and very honest and am looking for the
same in my pen pal! 

My favourite thing in life is music and I have a disgustingly
large cd collection. Right now I am completely obsessing over
Kylie Minogue and buying everything of hers like a fanatic! I
also love: Tori Amos, David Bowie, Bryan Ferry, Jurassic 5,
Loreena McKennitt, Spice Girls (esp. Geri Halliwell), Ani
Difranco, Afghan Whigs, Bjork, Modest Mouse, Janet
Jackson, Lyle Lovett, Gillian Welch, Jim White, John Coltrane,
Charlotte Church, Nate Dogg, Cut Chemist, Moldy Peaches,
Nick Drake, Foo Fighters and so much more. I go to tons of
concerts and don't believe in downloading music (I worked in
a record store for almost 6 years so you can see why). If you
are a music fan, I am the pen pal for you! 

If you're not a huge music fan, I have tons of other
interests...I love to read (books, magazines, and comics) and
although I mostly read non fiction, I enjoy kind of off the wall
fiction and Japanese literature as well. Kabuki is my favourite
comic but I read about 50 titles all together. I also enjoy
movies (some faves include: The Professional, Fight Club,
Ghost World, The Craft, Say Anything, American Beauty,
Poetic Justice, Irreconcilable Differences and Rain Man) and
tv (Buffy, old X-Files, Survivor, Real World, Angel, Alias,
Colorado Avalanche hockey and Rockies baseball) and surfing
the internet. Yet more hobbies are: handwriting analysis, trying
to learn Japanese, making jewelry, rubber stamping, writing
long letters and trading music-related stuff. 

These people inspire me: Drew Barrymore, Margaret Cho,
Gillian Anderson, Natalie Portman, Denis Leary, David
Letterman, Banana Yoshimoto, Alyson Hannigan, Peter
Forsberg, Malcolm X, David Mack, and David Bowie. 

If any of this interests you, or if you would just like a loyal pen
pal with a good sense of humour, please email me and tell me
about yourself and we can exchange addresses. Let's get

Saturday, May 11th 2002 - 09:21:13 PM