My Bryan Ferry/Roxy Music page.

I have been a fan of Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music since 1985 or so...I don't remember exactly what prompted my interest, but one of my friends was really into him and that probably got me started, along with the fact that every musician I liked seemed to have been influenced by Roxy Music so I thought I'd better check them out.  My favourite Roxy Music albums are: For Your Pleasure, Roxy Music, and Siren.  My favourite Bryan Ferry albums are: The Bride Stripped Bare, Bete Noire and In Your Mind.  But of course, they're ALL good!  The highlight of my life (so far) was getting to meet Bryan Ferry on November 13, 1999 after he played live in Boulder, Colorado.  I got to shake his hand and tell him how great he is...but he already knows that.

Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music bootlegs HERE, and videos are HERE.
Regular Ferry and Roxy releases I own are HERE.